Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pop! Goes My Heart!

 Popcorn has to be one of the best foods in existence.  I'm thinking it deserves its own food group. It is extremely versatile (I used it as a breakfast food this morning!) and who doesn't love popcorn? Happy National Popcorn Day, everyone!

We have had a busy fun popcorn filled day here in Farmington.  We woke up this morning and I made popcorn pancakes to kick off our celebration.  That's right, pancakes from popcorn.  I ground up popcorn super fine in the food processor, added some eggs, milk, vanilla, baking powder and salt and viola - pancakes!  They were devoured here.  Grant described them as have the consistency of crepes (or Swedish pancakes if you are more familiar with those) and said his brain was having quite the battle overcoming the look of a pancake with the taste of popcorn.  I love being food inspired :)

Later in the morning Grant and the kiddos made some really cool pipe cleaner people (Major props to my husband for coming up with that one!!) and then checked out a program at the library while I enjoyed a walk on what might be one of the last decent days we're going to see for awhile.  We then met up here for a quick lunch and back out the door to head to Plymouth for the Ice Fest.

I've mentioned before how much we love downtown Plymouth.  Ice Fest was fabulous.  Tons of people, lots of ice sculptures and things to see and do.  The weather was nice enough that we didn't freeze and the kids were real troopers about walking quite a distance from where we had to park.  We even checked out a neat candy shop in town and a paint your own pottery place that we're going to want to go back to sometime soon.

Post naps the popcorn craziness continued.  Last night (after some experimenting) I finally had success making colored popcorn.  This afternoon we used it to make some cool jewelry for Noah and Mikayla.  Popcorn necklaces all around!

After a dinner of popcorn chicken (hehe) Noah and I are going to settle in for a couple of games of Go Fish before baths (Grant and Kayla are off running some errand) and then we're going to polish off the rest of the popcorn with an episode of Strawberry Shortcake for my little miss and then a Scooby Doo for my handsome boy.  It's been a great Saturday!

Off to Imagination Station with Aunt Shell and Uncle Dudley tomorrow, can't wait!  Until then...

Popcorn pancakes!

 Kayla getting a ride at some point in Plymouth

 One of the ice sculptures - Cinderella's Castle!  Kayla was in love

 Grant, on the other hand, most appreciated the ice bar...


 Homemade colored popcorn - yum!

 And some microwave popcorn just to keep it balanced ;-)

 After tasting, it was time to get down to necklace making

 Noah and Grant stringing Noah's necklace

 Mikayla's finished product

 Noah's finished product

My gang posing with their pipe cleaner people 


  1. What a fun day! The ice sculptures are amazing. If only I could figure out a way to keep the angel on my mantle . . . .
    Love the popcorn necklaces - way to go!
