Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Madame Secretary

 Well, it's official - I survived my first PTA meeting :)  The 2013-2014 Beechview PTA year kicked off tonight and here's hoping for a great year.  I made it through the first meeting unscathed, we'll see how my notes/minutes fared when I decide to dig them out in the next day or so to organize them.  For the moment I think I need to just step away from it and enjoy the fact that I made it.  I don't often pat myself on the back, but I'm relatively proud of myself for deciding to get involved, taking the initiative so see where they needed help, running for the board, agreeing to serve as sole secretary when my co-secretary had to leave and for the work I've put in so far.  I'm delighted to think of the long term benefits that Noah (and eventually Kayla) will enjoy through Beechview because of all the hard work the PTA puts in.

In other news around here today, Kayla and I spent the morning shopping for a craft project I'm going to be working on (hopefully) here over the next few days while Noah was at school.  Then the rest of the afternoon flew by between work, dinner prep, dinner and then heading off to my meeting.  I'm not sure I could recount much of today even if I tried.  Though I will say that up until the time I had to head out Noah's behavior today was MUCH better than it has been.  He was actually pleasant when he got off the bus and shared with me all about his day.  (They read a book about a boy who begged for an iguana.  When asked what kind of pet they really wanted Noah said a parrot. He even drew a picture (a really good one!) of him and a parrot and had me look up what parrots eat when he got home tonight.

Mikayla and I are off to the Apple Orchard in the morning (so excited, had a ton of fun on this trip with Noah).  Then it's Pancake Lover's day here tomorrow.  Until then..
My artist hard at work again this morning.  Wonder who's mail box will be benefiting this time...

 This geeky princess joined us for dinner tonight

Happy National Crab Newburgh Day

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