Saturday, February 23, 2013

Top Banana

Happy National Banana Bread Day!  I did hook up my wonderful and husband with a loaf of a new kind of banana bread (not my standard fabulously easy recipe we made in Kid Kitchen a few weeks ago) but I forgot to take pictures of it before I left on Thursday.  I did get a text earlier in the day saying that had enjoyed it, though, so take that for what it's worth.

In completely unrelated but WAY more exciting news...

I'm reporting from Fremont this fine Saturday evening.  My wonderful Daddy and I got in a short time ago from Canton.  I've decided to crash here overnight before returning home in the morning. It's been a long and super exciting couple of days.

We returned to the pool this afternoon for the Finals of the State Swim Meet.  I think Michelle said it best "If I ever pictures a nuthouse, this is exactly what I would think of."  If I thought people were crazy and over the top yesterday it couldn't hold a candle to today.

We arrived at the pool around 2:30 for the meet that started at 4:00pm.  They had a DJ rocking out the natatorium and it was LOUD.  I'm not sure if there were more people in states of half-dress on the pool deck or in the stands honestly.  Who knew that swim fans were so hard core?  Everyone was rocking their colors and school spirit.  Have I mentioned it was LOUD??  And packed!  There were so many people there.  It was a super experience, though my butt is glad it doesn't have to take any more time on those bleachers :-p

So the boys swam shortly after 6:30 and did awesome! They placed 6th in their heat which means they took 14th overall.  14th in the WHOLE STATE!  They were ranked 19th going into the meet and ended up finishing 14th - that is huge!  To move up that much at a State meet is really incredible.  I am so proud of them!

I do have pictures to share, but will upload them tomorrow.  In the meantime, have I mentioned lately how proud I am of my bro?  (hehe)  Not only of his swimming abilities, but in the way he handled himself this past week.  I was so proud of how he went out of his way to thank his whole team at the pep rally send off on Wednesday.  And then yesterday to make sure to shake hands with each member of the other team from the swim-off before they swam.  And how proud he was of his entire team after they raced yesterday.  He is truly fabulous!  Go Scott Go!

Back to Farmington tomorrow.  Until then...

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