Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mikayla and the Pink Fluff

 Two words - Pink Fluff.  I stumbled across a recipe a week or so ago and knew we HAD to make it in kid kitchen.  My Bean is the Queen of Pink.  She lives and breathes pink some days I'm convinced.  If there was a way to make all of Mikayla's food pink I would never have any problem convincing her to eat it.  I knew she would adore making this and other than the cool whip it wasn't the most unhealthy option ever.

But it was a pretty simple dish to throw together so I knew we needed something to go with it.  I have a couple of recipe ideas on the back burner that I have been dying to try out with the kiddos but I am still on my continued quest to rid us of the Halloween candy.  So I left it up to them; Cake Batter Blondies or Starburst cookies.  Stupid question when you're asking a four and two year old, I know.  Starburst cookies it was!

I was a little hesitant about trying these out.  After the disaster that was the Skittles cookies I was more than a little nervous about stuffing what is a stiffer alternative to taffy in a cookie.  But you only live once!  (And it got rid of a whole bunch of candy...)  Noah LOVES them!  And I have to admit they didn't turn out half bad.  I was a little nervous when I took the first one off the tray to give it to Kayla to try as the Starburst stuck to my cookie sheet and the whole cookie fell apart, but I got out my metal spatula for the rest and let them cool on the wire racks for awhile and the rest held together fairly well.  We'll let Grant put in his opinion later.  I think I might stick them in the microwave for a few seconds before letting him try them to soften up the Starburst a bit.  We did have some extra batter (that's right, we ran out of candy!) so we just frosted the extras with a bit of rainbow chip icing that's been hiding in my fridge for awhile.  I even let Noah play with the knife again ;-)

I'll have to let you know what the consensus is on the Pink Fluff as it is part of tonight's dinner menu.  Lord knows Kayla will scarf it down!

Kayla attends to the first job - unwrapping the Starbursts!
 Noah helped

 Rolling rolling rolling

 Starting on the Pink Fluff

 Pre-mixed pink fluff

"Mama, it's pink!"
 Mikayla's cookie

 Got to be honest, kind of grosses me out, but they liked them!

 The bottoms are actually kind of cute :)

 Noah goes to town

Noah and I frosted the rest of the cookies

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