We left the Kunkle's shortly after 3 yesterday afternoon, decided to take an alternate route home so we could see West Virginia (the kiddos and I are going to make a map and start making off the states we've 'been' to. We couldn't pass up West Virginia since we were so close yesterday. We even stopped there to have dinner so we could say we'd actually been there, hehehe) and made it to North Lima, Ohio (which is nowhere near actual Lima, but closer to Youngstown) to crash for the night. The kiddos did relatively well in the hotel and we were able to gt a fairly early start this morning and pulled into Farmington around lunchtime.
While we were gone, apparently monsoon season started. I decided to walk over to the grocery store for a few necessary items to make dinner (because I couldn't bear the thought of getting in the car again) and got caught in a torrential downpour. It's been raining here on and off since then, and we hear that's about how it's been since we left. We definitely enjoyed the Maryland sunshine (though maybe not the extreme heat) a bit better. We did manage to find a few pockets of sunshine for the kiddos to give the car a bath for a job 'well done' and then Noah was dying to take his bike for a spin so he could ride through all the puddles that had formed through the neighborhood.
In the meantime, we also managed to celebrate yesterday's Fried Chicken Day and today's National Strawberry Sundae Day.
One more shout-out to my bestie (and her other half) for showing us a fabulous time. Miss ya, love ya, can't wait to come back again soon! Back to the 'norm' here tomorrow with Chocolate with almonds and my spin on "Don't put all your eggs in one omelette' Day (where in the world do they come up with this, honestly?!?!) This will definitely mean a trip to the grocery store as we're out of everything from milk to bread to any kind of fresh fruit or veggie to flour and sugar. The kids asked what was for breakfast and I suggested perhaps Goldfish... Until then :)
The kiddos giving my car a bath
Grant says it's not really child labor if they want to do it, right?
This is about as close to fried chicken as we get around here...
But fresh strawberry sundaes I can do :)
We were so glad to have you all here with us! Good to hear that you made it back home safely.