Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hungary Anyone?

I've had a super full day today and I am still in the midst of working on a big project for a friend and getting everything in order for tomorrow's BOWLING PARTY so you'll have to forgive a brief post (but plenty of pictures) today.

My first MOPS meeting was wonderful - love those ladies!  Afterwards Kayla and I came home so I could work on the project and she could make this week's Ohio themed craft - Buckeye necklaces.  I found some buckeyes when we were in Ohio this weekend, Grant drilled holes in them for me and she went to town.  And for the record, I have STRICTLY forbidden the wearing of them on Saturdays, we don't go for that stuff around here.  The kids did their coloring maps (any guesses) this afternoon and for dinner we had Hungarian Goulash.  (Thank goodness for crock pots on super busy days!) Did you know that Cleveland boasts the largest Hungarian population outside of Hungary?  I have another Hungarian themed recipe for over the weekend (think Klinger is the hint) so more on that then.  

Okay, have to get back to my stuff - between the project and getting the house and food ready for tomorrow I've got my hands full!  But it's all exciting, so no worries.  A post may be up late tomorrow because of the Bowling Party, so until then...

Ohio Fun Fact of the Day: Charles Goodyear of Akron developed the process of vulcanizing rubber in 1839.

A busy MOPS meeting with my faves!

Buckeyes - straight from the state tree of Ohio

Making a necklace

Working on their states

Noah's Ohio (this is my favorite one EVER!) The brown people are Grandma and Papa on a walk with Tipper.  The front two red people are Noah playing the bass guitar in his band that is going to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, with Mikayla to his right as the announcer and Bella on drums in the back.  Then he's got the Ohio block O

This is his rock star face

Mikayla's Ohio - the red to the right is her going down the water slides at Kings Island and to the left is a Wendy's sign

Noah got a turn to make his necklace

Hungarian Goulash

1 comment:

  1. It so makes me smile that Ohio means Grandma, Papa and Tipper. And the goulash looks yummy!
