Thursday, September 11, 2014

Nailed it!

Sometimes being the Mom is not fun.  Like when you have to tell your sick four year old she can't go to the birthday party she's been counting down to for weeks.  Yeah, kinda stinks.  But then sometimes Plan B turns out to be even better.  Like taking those two hours you were going to be gone anyway to pull out all the nail polish, decide together what will be perfect, pop in The Little Mermaid and have a nail painting extravaganza.  While she was crushed this morning when I told fever running, up most of the night Mikayla that we weren't going to be able to make the party this morning.  But when I promised her we'd set up some time for her when she was feeling better to get her present delivered and then suggested our nail party,she cheered up considerably.  It was a good reminder that sometimes being the Mom isn't fun, but it's tough to be four, too.  I'm proud of the Bean that she was able to handle her disappoint with such ease.  Makes my job easier for sure!

And, big thanks to my other half (who I am celebrating 11 years of coupledom with today) for taking his lunch hour to come home so that I could still make my Board meeting.  PTA seems to be rolling right along!

Posting early tonight because I'm off on yet another PTA adventure tonight as it's Curriculum Night at Beechview.  Wonder what kind of fun things are in store for NJ this year.  He's really been enjoying school so far so bring on first grade!

The Dynamic Duo worked on their coloring maps when Noah got home from school (any guesses) and anticipating that it was going to be a full day (before the germs struck!) I had thrown dinner for tonight in the crock pot.  I made Slow Cooker Oklahoma Steak Soup and Easy Corn Bread (another component of the state meal - yay!)  I'll have to give you an update tomorrow as to how everyone liked it as they are going to eat after I head out.  It's made the house smell good all day, and given the storms that rolled through brought quite the chill, seemed like the perfect dish tonight.  I know things are going to be getting busier and busier around here and it will be more and more difficult to get all four of us to the table at the same time, so I'm thinking the crock pot is going to be getting more use.

Alright, have to head out.  Cross your fingers for mad enrollment in the PTA tonight :)  Not sure about tomorrow until we see how the Bean is.  But until then...

Oklahoma Fun Fact of the Day:  Located on the south shores of Grand Lake O' the Cherokees between Langley and Disney. The Pensacola Dam was built in 1940 and is still the World's Longest Multiple Arch Dam. Length of dam/spillway ... 6,565 feet. Length of multiple-arch section ... 4,284 feet. Pensacola Dam was the first hydroelectric facility in Oklahoma.

Think we have a few colors to chose from?

This'd make anyone feel better

Kayla got purple with orange polka dots

And insisted I needed Cinderella blue with white polka dots


Chose this recipe because it had actual corn in it

Working on their states

Noah's Oklahoma - The left is a tornado, middle bottom is Sally from Cars who is parking at a parking meter (black right) which is being sucked up by a tornado on top of it.  And he definitely had to work Sonic in there

He makes my heart melt

The Bean's Oklahoma (The yellow is Sonic, the red is her cherry limeade from last night and the green is a shopping cart)

Remember what I said about melting hearts- this one too!

The perfect meal for the first really chilly night in Septmeber

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