Saturday, February 8, 2014

And we're under way!

 Phew, another busy day at the Gatchel's!  After a late night last night (Noah made it up through the whole ceremony and saw them light the torch) the boys were off this morning to see the new Lego Movie as a treat for the award Noah earned at school this week.  Grant says he LOVED it.  The Bean and I were here hanging out (she's got a bit of a cough and I decided to keep her with me this morning instead of venturing to the theater) and while she watched Barbie as the Little Mermaid, I took advantage of the time to finish the California scrapbook page and make some pierogi.  Grant has decided that between the movie and fresh pierogi for dinner today is pretty much the best day ever.

We also held our first event today - curling!  Okay, our version of curling.  Probably a little more shuffleboard than curling, but we all had fun.  After 2 rounds there was a tie for first and we had to have a shoot-out between Grant and Noah.  You'll have to see below who won :)

Tonight we're working on a couple of school projects, watching some Olympics and just hanging out.  Tomorrow looks like some more of the same and a wrap up of California week with the making of some love bead necklaces.  Until then...

California Fun Fact of the Day:  If California's economic size were measured by itself to other countries, it would rank the 7th largest economy in the world.

Grant constructing our curling court.

With a little help from Noah

Ready for our opening event

He was so determined to stay up for the torch lighting

I made Team USA donuts for breakfast (so love my mini deep fryer!)

Pierogi constructing

Our California scrapbook page


The results

Noah being awarded his gold medal

The medalists

1 comment:

  1. I can almost hear Noah's anthem playing . . . .
