Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lake Orion Art Fair and Pizza Palooza

It's been a super sunshiny Saturday here in the Hills and we of course soaked up as much of the warm rays as we could.  After the usual Saturday morning madness we loaded up the Gatchel bus (also known as Sasha) and headed to Lake Orion for their Flower Fair.  We love Lake Orion - the kids and I enjoyed the downtown putt-putt they held a couple summers back and we all had a great time at the Dragon Boat Fest in the late summer.  So we headed there for their Flower and art festival today and had a great time.  The kids got to taste some fun flavored honey, I found a couple of art pieces I couldn't pass up and the kids made petoskey stone necklaces and even got interviewed for the local paper!  Quite the morning.

This afternoon was full of errand running (new shoes for both!) and the usual Saturday hub-bub.  I've been feeling like I've bitten off more than I could chew lately as I can't remember any recent 'downtime' and there's none coming up any time soon.  As much as I love the way things go around here usually this Mama is in need of a break.  Maybe on Mother's Day tomorrow?  Nah, we're off to spend the majority of the day in the 'Mont, which will be even more fun.  And I don't have to host/cook (thanks Shell!) so it's all good!

After the kids and Grant hung out at the park and I finished up a few chores, the Janoch's headed over for a 'make your own pizza and movie' night so Tess could go hear Keith perform tonight.  As I type all four kiddos finished dinner successfully, got pj'd and our enjoying a treat and "Fantasia 2000" .  No one's fighting, crying, bleeding or pouting so I'm considering tonight a smashing success ;-)

Like I said, tomorrow we're headed to the 'Mont to celebrate the most incredible, amazing, loving, Mama a girl could ever hope to have!  Hope you all enjoy spoiling your own moms tomorrow.  We are going to also wrap up Louisiana with the kiddos 'pop quiz' tomorrow and they're going to test out Sasha's DVD player (and wireless headphones!) with "The Princess and the Frog" which I snagged at the library when we were out running around this afternoon.  (Shout out to my favorite librarians at the downtown branch of the library who clued me into yet another couple of great books to help with our little project!!)  Should be a great day, so until then...

Louisiana Fun Fact of the Day (for Friday since I forgot): Mamou bills itself as "The Cajun Music Capital of the World." Mamou musicians, in particular the musicians who have perform at Fred's Lounge have been a major force in expanding the audience for Cajun music far beyond Southwest Louisiana.

Louisiana Fun Fact of the Day:  Louisiana is the only state in the union that does not have counties. Its political subdivisions are called parishes.

Noah chose Sour Apple honey

Mikayla had sour grape

I could NOT pass this little guy up!  He is a snail made from a fork!

Checking out the kitties

Making petoskey stone necklaces

I saw this and knew I had to have it for the new bathroom as it goes with the colors perfectly 

Playing at the park in Lake Orion

Fixings for pizza!

Enjoying dinner

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