Louisiana Fun Fact of the Day: The Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans is the largest enclosed stadium in the world.
Noah made me this at school for Mother's Day - had to hang it on my front door right away
It was wrapped in this
And contained this note
The kiddos giving me my presents this morning
Minnie Mouse jelly beans!
And we FINALLY got the Tigers people for the back of Sasha, so I let everyone add themselves :)
Sasha is all official!
And they even got me a Tigers license plate cover
Now there is no doubt who's car this is
Went for a walk at the reservoir. They started out running but about half way around all four of us walked hand in hand and chatted - it was my FAVORITE part of the day
Grandma brought them souvenirs from her trip to Atlanta
My Mom - bouncy ball mad woman!
I got to play, too....
Taken with "The Princess and the Frog" (their prize for acing their Louisiana pop quiz) on the way home tonight
What a wonderful day!