Monday, April 14, 2014

Lights Out

So if you came to check out the blog hoping to learn all about Iowa, I'm sadly going to disappoint you.  In fact, I don't even have any pictures today!  Nope, you're stuck with boring little old me posting from Panera.

And why might we be passing on Iowa tonight?  And why might I be writing from Panera??

Because we have no power at the house.  None.  Nada.  Haven't since 8am.  And worse, as of right now, we don't even know when we might GET power.  Oh how I love DTE...

It's been a very blustery day here in Farmington.  In fact, before even getting the kiddos up I debated how smart it was to even attempt to walk to the bus stop this morning.  So I wasn't much surprised while the kids munched on their cereal that the power flickered a couple of times.  I held my breath, offered up a quick prayer and it did come back.  Twice.  Three times was not the charm, though.  We've been dark since then.  A lot of the area has been down and is slowly coming back up, though, so I'm hopeful.  I don't think I'd be overly concerned but the temperatures (remember almost 80 yesterday??) have started to drop rapidly and they are saying we may have up to an inch of snow.  I'm about as fond of Mother Nature as I am DTE right now, lemme tell ya ;-)

So looks like we'll be shaking up the original plans for the week and I'll have to do Iowa's big reveal tomorrow.  Because it WILL be back by then.  So until then...

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