After the meeting, the definite highlight of the day was receiving a package from the UPS man (during which Bella assured me that the need for a doorbell at our house is probably obsolete). Audrey and Xavier so kindly sent Noah and Mikayla their very own bubble machine! Cut to chaos of the extreme where my two little munchkins run around the house screaming "bubbles!" at the top of their lungs. What wonderful friends we all have in the Sanders family! I know we feel very blessed to be able to call them friends and I can't wait for them to come visit in a couple of weeks!
After dinner the four of us made (one of what i am sure to be many) a run to Home Depot. Grant had spotted a bathroom sink and vanity on sale last week and we were able to nab it up and now we will be able to replace the one in the half bath after we get it stripped of wallpaper, repainted and tiled. Oh, and make those atrocious curtains disappear...
Going to take Noah to story time at the library today then it'll be back here to clean the house (Friday is clean sheet day at the Gatchel house - few things make me happier ;-) ) and continue the organizing. Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow!
I am so glad they loved the bubbles :) When I asked Audrey what she wanted to send to the kids for their new house she said "bubbles of course!" Can't wait to visit.